We have been writing video stories. We were given three stories and I chose Exode, hope you enjoy.
The house was a trembling mess, the walls begin splitting, dust was sprinkled from the roof. We had to leave. Mother grabbed Little Brother and father assured his parents out. The taste of dust wandered around in my mouth, what a taste. As we ran out around the corner we suddenly fell to the ground then were flown into the sky to land with a thud, what was happening? We came across a cluster of other villagers who had an injured child who was being carried by back. We saw hills collapsing to the floor of the earth, the smell of old musty sandstone was all around us.
Everyone had now gathered together, the chief and wise men gathered to come to a decision, they had to leave their home. We wandered forward wondering what would come across ahead on their path. Our shadows were in front of us, night must be dawning. As our only light source slowly crept away, the noise of the animals grew stronger until we found a solitaire cub on the path. His parents must have been near, we had to go back. Once out of the bush, we turned around and went onward.
Wolf’s howls echoed through the canyons, Crickets flew all about us, clicking and buzzing about. After all the trudging around we finally came to an edge, but what was the edge for?, there was no cliff in sight forward on. The men gathered again to decide if we should go down this hill/cliff, it was not to steep but many elderly would get suck. Chief leaned over the edge with his men holding him back, just trying to see what was down there and hoping there was another ruote, then all of a sudden, a tremendous bird swooped down and plucked him up as if he was an unwanted hair on an arm. The bird had flown out of sight and fog was building up around us. A ghostly feeling was within the area.