Monday 17 August 2015

Nature's Extremes Questions.

We have been making connections between their prior knowledge and the concrete examples in a text in order to understand abstract ideas in the text.

1.What was the major thing that needed to happen in 2003?
The government needed to plan for a heat wave.
2. What were 2 other problems that were evident?
(1) There wasn't much water so all all the plants and foods were running out.
(2) There were no cooling centres available so they could not cool off.          
3. Why is it important to plan for a heat wave?
So you are prepared to get everything sorted.   
4.What do cities need to lessen the heat?
(1)Use less darkness (black).
(2)Wear hats and loose clothes.                 
(3)Have white roofs.
What does the last sentence on page 24 mean?
It is serious and  cannot be ignored.


  1. Hi Jessica. Cleo is a girl. She has posted loads on her blog this year. Have a wee look down the side and choose a date to read one of her earlier posts. Miss Panther

  2. Hi Jessica, you have done a great job using the clues and information from the text to help you form ideas and opinions. I wonder how well governments plan what they will do if a heatwave strikes. I wonder what happens in (3) if people don't have a plan for how they will protect people when heatwaves strike.


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